Saturday, January 2, 2010

Very Random today

I haven't taken the time to blog lately but I have a lot on my mind. I had a chance to be with my family and friends over the break and I must say that I have gotten a little spoiled. I know that once school starts I really will not have any extnded break again until next Christmas. I do love what I do though and wouldn't trade it for very many things.


Life to me is like a roller coaster. Though I am a fairly level-headed guy I still find myself in ups and downs. One minute im relishing in the fact that I am single and kid-less, and free to do what I want. The next I am envying Kevin, Jim Bob and my cousin Stacy. I love being aroung kids and women, for a while, and then my "free spirit" starts to get cabin fever. I'm not some kind of womanizer or "playa" by any stretch of the imagination. I just dont mind, and sometimes enjoy being alone. Over Christmas my sister and good buddy Robi heard me whine about a situation seperatly but both had the same response..."you have been single too long." It wasn't the "too long" like hurry and get married it was just that my mindset and patience warranted that response.
So I guess who I am is who I am. I have, at times, felt that something were wrong with me for not being married yet. I am certain I could have "popped the question" a few times in my life and would have been sitting here now, relatively happy beating my kids and having my wife fix me a snack. (That's just a joke...easy out there.) But it never felt right or blah blah blah. So I enjoy being me. Battling the struggles of being a God-fearing single man who is way more sinner than Saint and giving bad advice to my friends on their marriage and how to raise their kids....its a hobby of mine. So for now I'll just keep trying to get in line with God's plan for me and see where it takes me.

I do believe I am truly lazy when it comes to matters of love. I have this incredible habit of "loving" the impossible. Too old, too young, too married or engaged, over the years I have found my self drawn to impossible relationships like Tim Tebow to the camera. It's like a magnetic force. Tim needs to see his face and hear his voice and point to the heavens....I need to fall for someone I will not, for whatever reason, have little chance of a real future with and point to the heavens as well.
Speaking of Tebow and indirectly the Florida Gators, will you guys please make sure that if I have a little indigestion and need to call 911 that it makes ESPN. I only thank heaven that this "SUH" character for Nebraska is a senior or we would have to hear another year of Craig "helicopter dad" James and Herbstriet talk about and mildly stroke this guy for another season. Anyway, back to love...
I still know nothing about it. I am certain about a few things...fear of being alone is not love. If that makes sense to you then you have been there before. It is not a reason to hold on, to marry, or to keep from doing what you know you should do. With that, I will leave the love section alone, sure to revisit again next time.

I love Tim Tebow. That, my friends, is SARCASM! I think Obama is the best President of all time. Again my friends, sarcasm. I have come to realize that most of my family and friends communicate, like me, in sarcasm. The inate problem with this form of communication is when you want to be series, some people don't realize it.
I also have come to realize that I love quick wit humor. Many of my family and friends are great at it...and I must say that I am not bad. But the art and ability of coming back with a ridiculiosly funny comment, without hesitation or thought, makes for some of the funniest times in my life. Now feelings will get hurt so be fore-warned, but the side-splitting laughter that often accompanies a good quick comeback is worth it. Here is a short list of those I would like to give props to:
Kevin- grass-hopper has taught the teacher
Tracy- If she wasn't as sweet and didn't worry about hurting peoples feelings, she might be one of the best.
Rachel Ritchie- great young mind.
Brandie Row- There was a time where she was on her way to the top. Still a great artist.
Ken Jacome- great baseball mind...great quick wit
Addy Lucero- pain in the ass but great wit-ster
Mike Calk- College buddy, possible the true king.
Honorable mentions-Jim Bob, Sheila, Amanda Tinkly, Angel Castro, Micah, and Micheal Ritchie.

I know this list is special so those of you who strive to be on it..keep working and stay fresh. Repeating another persons work is not that funny.
Well That will close this session. I will try to do a little more bloggin for those that read it. I do enjoy the release. Next up I believe I will be talking about heros. God watch over you.


  1. Long time, no blog! Once again, I loved it (no, that was not sarcasm). Thanks for the mad props...I do what I can!

  2. Great post Dik-cheezee. I am totally "series" about that. Don't make mistakes, I'll getcha.
